We have engaged in a variety of projects to advance this research agenda. Links can be found below:
- We made a comic book! Moving from Cars to People (read online) and (dowload to print) as a part of our project Translating Research Into Comics: A Case Study in Transportation and Land Development
- Passenger and Freight Trip Generation at Multifamily Housing (Portland Bureau of Transportation)
- Trip Generation for Affordable Housing (Caltrans): link to Caltrans Planning Horizons Webinar; Caltrans Planning Horizons Webinar Presentation; Final Report and Executive Summary (only); and California Affordable Housing Trip Generation Tool
- Data Collection Program to Support Transportation System Development Charges (Portland Bureau of Transportation)
- Multimodal Trip Generation, Vehicle Ownership and Use: Characterizing The Travel Patterns of Residents of Multifamily Housing (NITC)
- Data and Methodological Issues in Assessing Transportation Impacts of Urban Development (dissertation by Kristina Currans)
- Understanding Market Segments for Current and Future Residential Location and Travel Choices (Oregon Department of Transportation/OTREC)
- Person-trip Methodology for Transportation System Development Charges (Portland Bureau of Transportation)
- Developing Framework for Incorporating Mitigation Effectiveness into the TPR Process (ODOT)
- Contextual Influences on Trip Generation (NITC)
- Improving Trip Generation Methods for Livable Communities (NITC)
- Study of Workforce Housing, Transportation & Employment Decisions: Implications for Siting Future Federal Facilities (US General Services Administration)
Currans, KM; and Clifton, KJ. “Exploring ITE’s Trip Generation Manual: Assessing age of data and land-use taxonomy in vehicle trip generation for transportation impact analyses”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 118: 387-398.
Gehrke, S; Currans, K; and Clifton, K. 2018. “Assessing the Importance of Housing, Accessibility, and Transportation Characteristics on Stated Neighborhood Preference”, International Journal of Urban Sciences, forthcoming.
Howell, A; Currans, K; Gehrke, S; Norton, G and Clifton, K. 2018. “Transportation impacts of affordable housing: informing development review with travel behavior analysis”, Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2018, 11(1): 103–118.
Currans, K.M. & Clifton K.J. ” Using household travel surveys to adjust ITE trip generation rates,” Journal of Transport & Land Use, 2015, 8(1): 85-119.
Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina M. & Muhs, Christopher D. “Adjusting ITE’s Trip Generation Handbook for Urban Context,” Journal of Transport & Land Use, 8(1), 2015, pp 1-25.
Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina Marie and Muhs, Christopher D. “Evolution of ITE Trip Generation Handbook: Proposal for Collecting Multimodal, Multi-context Establishment Level Data,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2344, 2013, pp. 107–117.
Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina M; Cutter, April C. and Schneider, Robert. “A Context Based
Approach for Adjusting Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Rates in
Urban Contexts Using Household Travel Surveys,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of
the Transportation Research Board, No. 2307, 2013. pp. 108-119.
Chen, Roger B.; Gehrke, Steven R.; Currans, Kristina Marie; Clifton, Kelly J.; Liu, Jenny & Jang, Yunemi. “Exploring Residential Tenure and Housing Type Decisions and Household Activity Engagement,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2344, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2013, pp. 68–78.
Targa, Felipe; Clifton, Kelly J. & Mahmassani, Hani S. “Influence of Transportation Access on Individual Firm Location Decisions,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1977, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2006. pp. 179-189.
Targa, Felipe & Clifton, Kelly J. “The Built Environment and Trip Generation for Non-Motorized Travel: Evidence from Baltimore City Using the National Household Travel Survey,” Journal of Transportation & Statistics, vol. 8(3), 2005. pp. 55-70.
Targa, F; Clifton, KJ & Mahmassani, HS. “Economic Activity and Transportation Access: An Econometric Analysis of Business Spatial Patterns,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1932, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2005. pp. 61-71.